Areas of Practice

  • Tax
    • Contencioso Tributário

Areas of Practice

  • Tax
    • Contencioso Tributário


Amanda began her legal career as an intern at a Tax Consultancy in the interior of São Paulo State, where she first encountered tax litigation and business demands.

After graduation, she specialized in Tax Law and Tax Procedure and started working at a large law firm in São Paulo. She also joined the in-house legal team of a multinational company in the fertilizer industry, which gave her a broader perspective on corporate demands.

In 2016, Amanda moved to Curitiba and joined the Paraná OAB. She started working at mid-sized law firms serving clients from various segments and commercial activities. She completed her MBA in Accounting, Management, and Tax Planning in 2018 at Universidade Positivo.

In 2021, aiming to deepen her studies in the complex Brazilian tax system, she began a Master’s degree in Tax Law at the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR).

Academic Background

  • Master’s Degree in Tax Law from the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) – Specializing in Cooperativism and Solidarity Economy, Advisor: Professor Betina Treiger Grupenmacher (Thesis: Fiscal Justice and Fundamental Rights and Guarantees) – 2021/2023
  • MBA in Tax Planning, Management, and Accounting – Universidade Positivo – 2017/2018
  • Postgraduate in Tax Law (latu sensu) – Universidade Anhanguera-UNIDERP, 2009/2010
  • Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) – Faculdade de Direito de Marília (UNIVEM), graduated on 23/01/2009


Professional Affiliations

Affiliated to OAB/SP under No. 291.211 and to OAB/PR under No. 85.929

External Links

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