Areas of Practice

  • Corporate
    • Offshore
  • Governance and Succession
    • Tax planning
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
    • Tax planning
  • Tax
    • Tax Consultancy
    • Tax planning

Areas of Practice

  • Corporate
    • Offshore
  • Governance and Succession
    • Tax planning
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
    • Tax planning
  • Tax
    • Tax Consultancy
    • Tax planning


Ana Caroline Ferreira is a lawyer specializing in tax law and tax procedures, with experience in both tax litigation and national and international tax advisory for individuals and corporations.

She began her career in Tax Litigation, working in judicial and administrative spheres involving direct and indirect taxes. She has extensive experience in all aspects of the litigation process, including risk assessment, strategy development, drafting of legal arguments, and submissions at all levels.

She also had the opportunity to work directly with a counselor at the Paraná Taxpayer and Fiscal Resources Council, analyzing highly complex cases and assisting in the drafting of opinions.

Throughout her professional journey, she has also gained solid experience in Tax Advisory, actively participating in projects for identifying opportunities, tax incentives, drafting opinions, and tax, accounting, and fiscal consultations, as well as in Tax Planning, Corporate Restructuring, and Succession and Estate Planning projects, both nationally and internationally.

Academic Background

  • Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) from Centro Universitário Autônomo do Brasil – UNIBRASIL, 2018
  • Postgraduate in Tax Law from the Brazilian Institute of Tax Studies – IBET, 2021
  • Undergraduate in Accounting from Universidade Paranaense – UNIPAR (expected completion in 2023) 2023.

Professional Affiliations

  • OAB/PR 97.626

External Links

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