Areas of Practice

  • Tax
    • Contencioso Tributário

Areas of Practice

  • Tax
    • Contencioso Tributário


Janini Denipoti began her career in tax law during her undergraduate studies at the first registered law firm in Paraná, a large firm located in Curitiba. She later joined the tax litigation team as an attorney, focusing on the management of judicial and administrative actions and strategic procedural analyses.

Seven years later, she moved to a mid-sized law firm, also located in Curitiba, where she developed management and coordination activities in a specialized area dealing with premium cases, focusing on tax credit recovery and tax defenses.

Janini is a former member of the Initial Advocacy Commission (CAI) of OAB-PR, where she participated in the academic discussion group to assist young lawyers with practical issues arising from professional practice.

In 2023, she joined Marins Bertoldi’s team of lawyers in the Tax Litigation department, responsible for analyzing and resolving tax litigation issues.

Academic Background

  • Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) from Faculdade de Direito de Curitiba – Unicuritiba, 2016
  • Specialization in Tax Law and Tax Procedure from Universidade Positivo, 2018
  • Postgraduate student in Tax Law and Tax Procedure at the Brazilian Institute of Tax Studies (IBET)

Professional Affiliations

  • OAB/PR since 2016

External Links

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