Política de Privacidade

Our commitment to information security and the privacy of Personal Data subjects.

Who We Are

Marins Bertoldi Advogados (MBA) is the data controller on this site and values transparency regarding how your personal data is processed.


This Privacy Policy demonstrates our commitment to information security and the privacy of Personal Data subjects, as well as clarifies how data is processed in our online environment.

Therefore, we kindly ask you to READ THIS PRIVACY POLICY CAREFULLY to fully understand how your personal data will be processed.

This Privacy Policy contains clear and complete information about the collection, use, storage, processing, and protection of personal data subjects’ data.

Terms and Definitions

USERS: Natural and legal persons who browse or send messages to MBA on this site.

PRIVACY POLICY: Document that informs users how their data is processed.

CONTROLLER: Natural or legal person responsible for decisions regarding the processing of your personal data.

PERSONAL DATA: Any information or set of information related to an identified or identifiable person.

SENSITIVE PERSONAL DATA: Information related to racial or ethnic origin, religious belief, political opinion, membership in a union or religious, philosophical, or political organization, data concerning health or sexual life, genetic or biometric data, when linked to a natural person.

DATA PROTECTION OFFICER (DPO): Person who communicates between the Controller and data subjects.

OPERATOR: Entity that processes data on behalf of the Controller, which can be public agents or legal entities different from the one represented by the Controller.

LGPD: General Data Protection Law (Law No. 13.709/2018).

DATA SUBJECT: You, the user, the natural person to whom the personal data being processed refers.

DATA PROCESSING: Any operation performed with your personal data, such as collection, production, reproduction, classification, use, distribution, storage, deletion, modification, transfer, extraction, etc.

What Personal Data We Collect and for What Purposes

Information may be collected on the “Contact,” “Careers” (Vacancies Icon), and “Subscribe” icons. Among this information, we may collect the following with the user’s explicit consent: full name, email, city and state of residence, phone number, and resume data.

This information will be used only for the specific purpose of:

  • On the “Contact” tab, to address and clarify users’ questions through phone contact and/or email;
  • On the “Careers” tab (Vacancies Icon), to select resumes for opportunities offered by Marins Bertoldi and to contact via phone and/or email about the stages of the selection process;
  • On the “Subscribe” icon, to send informative emails to users who register for the service, informing them that they can unsubscribe at any time by sending an email to [email protected].

MBA informs that resumes received through the “Careers” tab will be kept in our database for 12 months, as per the Internet Civil Framework (Law No. 12.965/14), for the specific purpose of future opportunities.

When we collect data for recruitment, analyzing resumes of candidates interested in working with us, we collect name, email, and resume, containing information about professional and academic history. The data is used for purposes related to candidate recruitment (evaluating their application for a position, communicating about the recruitment process) and to help our service providers (such as QuickIn) and partners improve their services. By using our resume platform, we present a specific terms of use at QuickIn Privacy Notice.

When we collect data in our whistleblower channel, we do not require your identification, allowing the communication to be registered anonymously. If you wish to identify yourself, we will keep your identity confidential according to our internal regulations.

When we collect data in our internal ombudsman channel, you may identify yourself if you wish, and we will seek to address your inquiry quickly and transparently.

Additional information may eventually be collected for the validation of certain contact procedures. The personal data collected will be strictly necessary, precise, and complete for the purposes described in this policy.

No additional personal data is required for us to respond to your contact or enable service provision on this site, but if you provide it, you accept the collection of this information freely and voluntarily.

The site is intended exclusively for individuals over 18 years old. In the case of registration or submission of information by individuals under 18 years old, the data will be immediately deleted.

We will not process data from criminal organizations, promote crimes or autocratic regimes, or promote any type of discrimination against a human being.

The data subject acknowledges that the personal data provided will be collected, processed, and stored to achieve the purposes described herein and to enable us to contact you.

Some personal data may be processed to comply with legal and/or regulatory obligations, develop internal studies, improve services and promotions, or for the regular exercise of rights in judicial, administrative, or arbitration proceedings

Any change in the purpose of using your personal data will be communicated through updates to this Privacy Policy.

Finally, MBA informs that the collected and safeguarded information will only be disclosed if the firm is required to do so by law.

Newsletters (Subscribe)

The Newsletter form on the “Subscribe” icon on our site collects your email address, which we store to send informative emails. By subscribing to our newsletter, you allow us to send you emails. If you do not wish to receive the newsletter, you can disable it in the body of the newsletter itself.

Additionally, we may collect data in surveys and surveys conducted on our site, social networks, or by email, to produce relevant content for you and internal consumption reports to improve your experience with our services. The personal data collected may be used to send newsletters, which you can disable if you no longer wish to receive them.

With Whom We Share Your Data

The provided data is not shared with third parties, except:

  1. With those responsible for site maintenance, hosting, and cloud data storage. In the event of international data transfer, it will only occur for storage purposes, in a country with a protection level equal to or greater than that established by Brazilian legislation;
  2. With People Technology, the data operator responsible for the Quickin software, a tool used by MBA for recruitment, which stores and processes the data only for the purpose of recruiting new employees, as stipulated in the contract with the firm.

Storage of Your Personal Data

For users who register on our site, we store the personal registration information for communications throughout our business relationships for the time necessary to meet the legal hypotheses used.

The site may also retain information according to applicable legal and regulatory obligations, as well as to meet the purposes described in this policy and for the regular exercise of rights, if applicable.

What Are Your Rights Regarding Your Personal Data

You can request detailed information on how we process your personal data, confirm the existence of processing, or request your data by sending an email to [email protected]. In addition to these rights, at the same address, you can exercise other rights provided by the LGPD:

(i) The right to correct data that is incomplete, inaccurate, or outdated.

(ii) The right to request anonymization, blocking, or deletion of unnecessary, excessive, or non-compliant personal data with the LGPD or other laws.

(iii) When data processing is based on your consent, you will be informed of the consequences of refusal. If you give your consent, you may revoke it at any time. In this case, you may request that the data be deleted.

(iv) The right to be informed about which public or private entities we share your data with.

(v) The right to data portability to another service or product provider.

(vi) The right to object to processing contrary to the LGPD, except in cases of consent.

After submitting your request, it will be evaluated and may be rejected with legal justification. MBA will make every effort to meet the request as quickly as possible and may reject requests that are unreasonable or not required by law, such as those impractical, requiring disproportionate technical effort, or exposing us to operational risks, such as fraud.

The email address used during registration will be used for all communications between MBA and the data subject. It is recommended that MBA’s standard email is added as a trusted sender to avoid ANTI-SPAM blocking.

Cookie Policy

We collect Cookies to verify your identity and improve your browsing experience. Cookies are small data units that can be stored on the user’s computer or mobile device while browsing a site. They allow the site to recognize the user’s previous activity, making usage more efficient and pleasant, for example, by remembering the user’s preference settings.

Cookies do not harm the user’s computer and are usually automatically deleted after a certain period.

We use cookies on our site to make the user experience easier and more suitable, allowing us to identify that the same user has returned to the site, remember their login details, ensure the security of login details, identify technical issues with page loading or site navigation, and improve the site’s performance and rendering.

Our site uses necessary cookies, access control cookies, and analytical cookies.

Necessary cookies: Used for the proper functioning of the site, providing security, accessibility, and network management. They allow our site to store information already entered by the user (name, language selection, and location) to offer better and more customized functions. They also help in rendering the site, displaying or not, for example, newsletter tabs and cookie messages. The cookies used allow the site to store information already entered by the user (name, language selection, and location), offer better and more customized functions. They also help render the site, displaying or not, for example, newsletter tabs and cookie messages, and allow verifying the user’s access permissions for certain areas of the site.

Analytical cookies: Used to improve your experience on our site and for marketing purposes. They collect information about site usage, allowing us to improve its functionality. Google Analytics cookies are classified as analytical cookies used on our site, aimed at collecting statistical data to improve user presentation and navigation. Google complements aggregated data with demographic data and other information of interest to help us better understand our users.

In addition to managing cookies through the homepage, the user can allow, not allow, or remove site cookies at any time by accessing their browser settings. Below are instructions for users who want to change their cookie settings based on their preferred browser:

How We Protect Your Data

The information collected is stored securely and reliably, either in our systems or those of service providers for cloud management and storage, marketing management, among others.

We implement technical and administrative security measures to ensure that only authorized persons can access your data, as well as to prevent unauthorized access and processing other than the purposes disclosed to you.

Access to sensitive data, if collected, is restricted to authorized employees.


Users can access clear and complete information about the collection, use, storage, processing, and protection of their personal data. In case of any doubts about this policy, contact the Data Protection Officer at [email protected]. To request the alteration, removal, or copy of your personal data, just send a request to this email, and we will respond within 15 days


The Privacy Policy may be changed at any time to meet legislative changes, regulatory requirements, or operational needs.

When there is a change, the user will be notified by email/notification when accessing the site. By continuing to access our services after the changes are made, the user agrees to be bound by the new version of the Policy

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