Terms of Use

These Terms of Use will be constantly updated, and their latest version will always be available to users.

The Terms of Use of MBA (“Terms”) are intended to guide users in using the information contained on our website www.marinsbertoldi.com.br. If you do not agree with the terms of this document, please do not use our website. Accessing the site implies full acceptance and agreement with the Terms.

This site is controlled and operated by Marins Bertoldi Advogados, a law firm headquartered in the city of Curitiba, State of Paraná, at Rua Mauá, nº 1248, registered under CNPJ/MF nº 00.863.764/0001-00.

Access to and use of this site will be governed by Brazilian law.

First, it should be noted that all information on our site is purely informational and technical and does not serve as legal advice in any way. The services provided by MBA are not concluded through the site but only through direct and personal contact between clients and MBA lawyers, through the execution of a Legal Services Contract.

The site and its content comply with the Code of Ethics and Discipline of the Brazilian Bar Association, and it does not aim to attract clients or engage in advertising outside the permitted guidelines.

It is informed that our site may contain links directing to other sites. MBA does not control the accuracy of the information contained on these sites. Não haverá controle do MBA em relação à exatidão das informações contidas nesses sites.

All articles, publications, videos, audio, and photos (“Content”) on the site are the property of MBA. The Content is protected by the Copyright Law No. 9.610/98. Site users may not alter, reproduce, copy, distribute, transmit, display, publish, sell, license, create derivative works, or use any element of the site for commercial or public purposes or on any other website or computer network.

MBA is not responsible under any circumstances for damages, direct or indirect, or for lost profits resulting from the use of the information on this site or any of its articles, videos, and other materials.

These Terms of Use will be constantly updated, and their latest version will always be available to users. By using the site, the user agrees to these Terms of Use.

Updated: June 24, 2019.

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