Integrated and Multidisciplinary Approach

We look at the market in a global manner to offer customized solutions.

Areas of Practice

Whether facing corporate or tax challenges, in advisory or contentious contexts, our focus is always on exceeding expectations and achieving the best results for our clients.

Through a holistic view of the market, we anticipate trends and create strategies that not only solve problems but also underpin planning, generate value, and drive business growth and success.

Areas of Practice

Goods and Services
Civil Construction
Real Estate
Retail and Consumer

Areas of Practice


  • Drafting, reviewing, adapting, and negotiating contracts related to the acquisition of goods and/or inputs used in agricultural activities, leases, and rural partnerships;
  • General tax advisory on investments in new technologies, the generation and consumption of renewable energies, and the monetization of tax credits;
  • Advisory on regulatory issues involving the registration, production, packaging, commercialization, commercial advertising, use, import, export, and inspection of pesticides and agricultural inputs;
  • Advisory on the adaptation of agribusiness production to comply with legislation, avoiding environmental liabilities for the producer and ensuring a profitable and sustainable activity;
  • Advisory on regulatory issues involving the registration, production, packaging, commercialization, import, export, and inspection of pesticides and agricultural inputs.



  • Drafting, reviewing, adapting, and negotiating contracts related to the acquisition of goods and/or inputs used in agricultural activities, leases, and rural partnerships;
  • General tax advisory on investments in new technologies, the generation and consumption of renewable energies, and the monetization of tax credits;
  • Advisory on regulatory issues involving the registration, production, packaging, commercialization, commercial advertising, use, import, export, and inspection of pesticides and agricultural inputs;
  • Advisory on the adaptation of agribusiness production to comply with legislation, avoiding environmental liabilities for the producer and ensuring a profitable and sustainable activity;
  • Advisory on regulatory issues involving the registration, production, packaging, commercialization, import, export, and inspection of pesticides and agricultural inputs.



  • Advisory on the adaptation of agribusiness production to comply with legislation, avoiding environmental liabilities for the producer and ensuring a profitable and sustainable activity;
  • Advisory on regulatory issues involving the registration, production, packaging, commercialization, import, export, and inspection of pesticides and agricultural inputs;
  • Environmental Due Diligence for rural property acquisition.



  • Assistance in the use, drafting, and review of arbitration clauses as an alternative conflict resolution mechanism, according to the peculiarities of the contractual or corporate relationship to be regulated;
  • Representation in national and international arbitration proceedings, both institutional and ad hoc;
  • Judicial representation in measures aimed at enforcing arbitration awards or possible nullities of the arbitration process.



  • Expertise in high-complexity business contracts, where a deep understanding of the client’s business, objectives, vulnerabilities, and risk-taking is crucial for the success and security of the operation;
  • Advisory in drafting, reviewing, and negotiating business contracts across various economic sectors;
  • Guidance in defining negotiation strategies and contract execution;
  • Adaptation of foreign contracts to Brazilian legislation;
  • Preparation of opinions on contractual issues;
  • Contract auditing (risk analysis and identification);
  • Support in contract management.


Corporate Governance

  • Diagnostics of current asset and corporate structure to identify potential risks or inefficiencies;
  • Succession planning for family and management;
  • Transition projects for successor and succeeded;
  • Negotiation and drafting of corporate agreements (agreements and protocols);
  • Creation of rules related to business and asset management, managing the relationship between partners, partners and the company, and family members;
  • Implementation of partner, family, and management councils;
  • Establishment of business performance indicators for council monitoring;
  • Advisory to legal entities in adapting their corporate instruments to meet best corporate governance practices.


Due Diligence

  • Sell side:
    • Advisory in pre-organization and risk and legal liability mapping;
    • Advisory during due diligence concerning information disclosure.
  • Buy side:
    • Advisory in organizing and collecting documents for the data room;
    • Preparation of a report with analysis, identified risks, and conclusions.


Mediation and Negotiation

  • Representation in mediation proceedings;
  • Acting as mediators in resolving business disputes;
  • Acting as negotiators in discussions aiming to form new ventures or partnerships, drafting or renegotiating contracts of any nature, as well as resolving business disputes


Real Estate Business

  • Advising developers and allotment companies throughout the development cycle;
  • Negotiation and formalization of real estate transactions: purchase and sale, exchange, payment in kind, creation of guarantees, construction, lease (typical, shopping mall, and built to suit);
  • Process portfolio management;
  • Formation of Special Purpose Entities (SPE) and Participation Accounts (SCP);
  • Structuring of Real Estate Investment Funds (FII);
  • Advisory to investors;
  • Acquisition of real estate by foreigners;
  • Due Diligence (legal audit for real estate acquisition);
  • Adverse possession;
  • Extrajudicial foreclosure of guarantees;
  • In-house training;
  • Tax advisory;
  • Environmental advisory.



  • Setting up companies, associations, cooperatives and foundations and drafting amendments to articles of association;
  • Drafting and reviewing shareholders’ or partners’ agreements;
  • Drafting and reviewing contracts for setting up consortia, investment agreements, options to buy and sell shareholdings and any other agreements necessary to regulate corporate relations and joint ventures;
  • Participation in shareholders’ meetings and meetings of the management and supervisory bodies of companies, associations, cooperatives and foundations;
  • Planning and development of corporate reorganizations, such as spin-offs, mergers and transformations;
  • Working with commercial registry offices and other government bodies to obtain licenses and permits for companies to operate;
  • Advice on the professional performance of foreigners in the management and administration of national companies and multinationals established in Brazil;
  • Advice on the registration of foreign direct investments in national companies with the Central Bank of Brazil, the entry of funds and assets, the remittance of profits and the repatriation of capital.


Tax Consultancy

  • Technical Letter – Formulating a legal opinion on any tax issue requested by the client. In our analyses, we carry out in-depth research into up-to-date case law (administrative and judicial), as well as studying the applicable legislation;
  • Tax Consultations – Formulation of consultations on the correct interpretation of certain tax regulations, as well as their filing with the competent authority for their assessment;
  • Due Diligence – The study, analysis and detailed evaluation of information on a company that is the target of a negotiation, with a view to identifying any relevant contingencies arising from business practices;
  • Tax Review – Review of the way taxes are calculated, with a focus on identifying possible inaccuracies and opportunities not taken advantage of by the client;
  • Review of Accessory Obligation – Review of the completion of the accessory obligation in question, in order to ascertain whether the information provided was in accordance with the tax guidelines and to avoid any questioning by the authorities due to errors in completion;
  • Calculation of the Thesis – Formulation of the calculation of the benefit obtained as a result of a judicial thesis favorable to the client;
  • Credit Assessment – Analysis of targeted tax opportunities that lead to the possibility of appropriating credits not yet taken advantage of by the client, always taking into account their line of business, the particularities of the activity performed and legislative and case law updates;
  • Special Regime – Study of opportunities for special regimes that apply to the client, based on their line of business and activity, as well as the formulation of the special regime request, observing the particularities of each request;
  • Diagnosis of Opportunities – Study of opportunities arising from the specific legislation pertaining to each tax, as well as case law updates and legislative innovations that impact on the calculation of the tax in question and culminate in a reduction in the tax burden for the client;
  • Tax Benefit Claim – Study of tax benefit opportunities that apply to the client, based on their line of business and activity, as well as the formulation of the tax benefit claim, observing the particularities of each case;
  • Monetization of credit balance and submission of refund claim – Calculation to quantify the benefit arising from the accumulation of a credit balance for the tax in question and subsequent submission of a claim to the Federal Revenue Office for refund/return of the tax;
  • Internationalization of companies: Advice on the preparation of international tax planning in compliance with current regulations and in observance of trends arising from BEPS and other multilateral initiatives with local effects and in Brazil, and tax optimization of export operations for goods and services;
  • Diagnosis of foreign investments: Tax advice and consultancy on the organization of investments held abroad by individuals resident in Brazil, assisting in the preparation of diagnoses and international tax planning;
  • Offshore: Analysis of the tax impact on the maintenance of offshore structures, both for residents/domiciled in Brazil and abroad.


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