
Donations Made to Rio Grande do Sul with IPI Tax Rates Reduced to Zero

Publicado em: 02 Jul 2024

Decree No. 12,052/2024, published in the June 13, 2024 edition of the Official Gazette of the Union, aims to reduce to zero the IPI (Tax on Industrialized Products) rates when an industrial establishment or one equivalent to an industrial one allocates products subject to this tax for donation to the State of Rio Grande do Sul or to the municipalities declared in a state of public calamity.

For companies making donations, it will be necessary to indicate the following information on the outgoing invoices:

Recipient Details:

(i) the Government of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, registered in the National Register of Legal Entities under number 87.934.675/0001-96, located at Praça Marechal Deodoro, no number, Palácio Piratini, Municipality of Porto Alegre, State of Rio Grande do Sul; or

(ii) the Municipality benefiting from the donation, accompanied by the CNPJ registration number and address.

Additional Data:

include the phrase “exit with reduced IPI rate,” referencing Decree No. 12,052/2024.

This decree came into effect on the date of its publication, June 13, 2024, and the new rules provided will be valid until December 31, 2024.

The Tax Advisory Department of Marins Bertoldi Lawyers is fully available to address any questions regarding the new procedures.

Por Gabriela Marugal Munhoz Rodrigues

Gabriela Marugal Munhoz Rodrigues

Gabriela began her professional journey with an internship at the Curitiba Surveillance and Captures Police Station, where she drafted official letters and dispatches in the criminal sphere. She then had...
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